Why Workout?

Why Workout?

Taking more steps a day by walking errands also helps lower the risk of premature deaths from all causes. Defying gravity, conquering the weights. Stay close to nature while working out as it pacifies your body and mind, thus maintains the equilibrium. Unleash your...
Gym Etiquettes

Gym Etiquettes

I don’t need therapy. All I need is the GYM!! Any person, who comes to workout at the gym needs to follow a few set of rules witch are basic Gym Etiquettes as there will be very dreadful instruments that are to be handled with utmost care. Gym is a place where one has...
A Day Out With Fitness Freak

A Day Out With Fitness Freak

A day is well spent with a fitness freak. Fitness freak is a person who is obsessed with health and fitness of one’s own body and mind. He who is pre-occupied with fitness, considers a person to be completely fit when both body and mind are strong enough. For such...
The Ancient Gymnasium To Modern Day Gym

The Ancient Gymnasium To Modern Day Gym

The so called gyms today came into existence in ancient Greece initially. The word gymnasium is derived from the Greek word “gymnos” which means naked. The early gymnasiums were only open to males and all exercises were done naked. “Nasium” in Latin means school or...
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